by Simon Schier

Anti-aging miracle retinol? Why vitamin A shouldn't be in a cream

We were asked: If you always write so much about the fact that your...
retinol in cremes

We were asked: If you always write so much about the fact that your creams are full of vitamins, why do you forego vitamin A or retinol? After all, other creams also use this because it is a great anti-aging ingredient. Well observed. We keep our hands off retinol and we have good reasons for doing so.nde.

Antiaging Miracles: Why Everyone Is Talking About Retinol and Vitamin A.

Vitamin A is a group of fat-soluble substances called retinoids. Retinol or vitamin A1 is also one of them. We have dealt a lot with the effect of the vitamin A group, or more specifically with retinol, as it is considered to be particularly effective. And there is something to it:

Creams use retinol as a potent vitamin A. The substance effectively contributes to the renewal of the horny layer, i.e. the top layer on the skin (corneocytes). The renewal effect alone makes the skin appear smoother. By renewing cells, retinol also has a positive effect on acne. In addition, retinol stimulates collagen production and thus strengthens the structure of the skin. Even more: As an antioxidant, retinol inhibits free radicals, which threaten the firmness and thus youth of the skin.

We hold on: Because of the effect alonecouldthe use of retinol in skin care creams for men is worthwhile. But: Those who use creams with retinol are taking risks!

The dangers of retinol: harmful effects possible

Especially in summer it isthe effects of vitamin A on the skin risky because of the greater sensitivity to UV rays: as the top layer of skin is renewed, it is more sensitive to light. But that's just a drop in the bucket:

Vitamin A can easily be overdosed with supplements. With our balanced diet alone, we shouldn't worry about not having enough of it in our body. One carrot alone is enough to reach the daily dose. The body converts beta-carotene to vitamin A and stores the excess harmlessly in the skin..

Too much vitamin A can actually be harmful being and initially provoking headache, dizziness, tiredness and vomiting; but dry, rough skin, split lips and thin hair can also cause hair loss. A prolonged overdose of preparations leads to liver disorders and accelerated bone resorption..

When used in creams, the Federal Office for Risk Assessment itself has the negative effects of vitamin A on the skinnot positiveestimated. The recommendation: cosmetics should contain vitamin A andUse retinol only to a limited extent.

The studies on which this is based observe symptoms which, in addition to the phenomena mentioned above, also describe morphological changes in the skin. In animal experiments, it was even possible to observe limitations in fertility.

What the Federal Office for Risk Assessment also says in the letter of recommendation is that the data situation on this is inconsistent. So more research needs to be done. What remains, however: Too much vitamin A can make you sick.

No Risks for Healthy Skin: Our skin care products do not contain retinol

We formulate our care products under strict conditions: They should be good for the skin, help against blemished skin, dark circles under the eyes and bags under the eyes, but not make nonsense experiments. That is why we proceed scientifically for the formulation of our creams and cleaners and work with the pharmacologist and toxicologist Prof. Dr. Schirner together. It was clear to him from the start that retinol shouldn't be part of our care products. Because:: 

„What good is an anti-aging ingredient if it can be harmful to us and our skin? At this point there is no weighing up of risks. We do not process any substances whose fate on the skin has not been clarified..“

No dangerous antiaging promises. We keep our hands off retinol. Period.

Instead of retinol: anti-aging ingredients for your skin

When everyone talks so much about the oh-so-great effects of vitamin A, you could almost think there are no other anti-aging ingredients. That's nonsense.

There are numerous alternatives: We designour care products so that they provide many important vitamins, antioxidants and moisture-binding substances and thus form an effective anti-aging program.

In addition to vitamin E andvitamin C evenhyaluronan,urea as well as creams with the herbal retinol alternative Bakuchiol. In interaction with panthenol, valuable oils and trace elements, e.g. the Hydra Defense Cream supports theNatural Moisturizing Factor NMF.

Effective antiaging care shouldn't be risky. That's why there is the Youth Infusion Cream. You get the nourishing anti-aging face creamhere in the shop.

Don't take any risks for your skin. #TreatYourself


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