To make it easy for you, we have developed a skin advice app with which you can quickly find out more: Answer a few simple questions and you will find out directly which care is right for you.
Every person is unique – and so is every person’s skin. Despite all the uniqueness, there are certain skin types. And that's a good thing: as soon as you know more about the nature of your skin, it's much easier to treat it properly.
In concrete terms, this means that it is easier for you to find the right care options so that you can enjoy looking healthy and fresh for longer. Because: In the end, you are the only person in your own skin. And you should feel comfortable in it.
Find out more about your skin type
Seen from the outside, your skin is like a fabric that covers your body. Unlike a sweater, the skin has layers that we only see in the cross section of the skin:
The epidermis : It covers the body and protects it from external influences. These include, among other things, UV rays and bacteria. The body's own protective acid mantle lies on the epidermis, which protects your skin from drying out and is stabilized by the sebum and sweat glands.
The dermis : Here you will find fine blood vessels, sebaceous glands, sweat glands, hair follicles and also nerve tissue. The dermis contains connective tissue, which consists of collagen and elastin - giving the skin stability and elasticity.
The subcutaneous tissue - hypodermis, or subcutaneous tissue: The subcutaneous tissue consists to a large extent of fatty tissue and is therefore an important energy store, the thickness of which varies depending on the person. The hypodermis protects your body from cold and mechanical influences such as pressure or friction.
The smaller but still important components of the skin include:
Sebaceous glands: They produce sebum, also called sebum. This consists of fatty acids, waxes, squalane and triclycerides. The sebum ensures that your skin does not dry out and is protected against germs. When there is an overproduction of sebum (soborrhoea), people tend to have oily skin, and when there is an underactive condition (sebastasis), they tend to have dry skin.
Sweat glands: Your body has a lot of them - there are around 2 million sweat glands in your skin. Sweat regulates your body temperature and even though it can sometimes smell unpleasant, it consists almost entirely of water. Only 1 percent goes to a mixture that consists of, among other things, ammonia and urea as well as milk, amino and fatty acids.
The sebum and sweat glands have an important function in combination: they regulate the protective layer that surrounds your skin. This ultra-thin film on the skin has something special: it prevents moisture from evaporating from the skin and keeps harmful bacteria and other particles away from the inside of your skin.
Skin can do more than just look beautiful: it covers your body and protects it from the outside world. Without skin, your organs and bones would be exposed - and therefore defenseless against danger.
But your skin is also a sensory organ with countless nerves. This tells you what is happening around you and how warm or cold it is.
As a storage organ, your skin binds moisture and important fats. This means it can nourish your body, but above all also protect it: from cold, shocks and other physical influences
But what we mustn't forget is that skin is sexy. Not only does it visually help you find a partner, but it also makes you irresistible through your sweat glands. Let them out, the pheromones!
Yes, skin care is an important topic and cosmetics can help you achieve a good balance. A good skin cream, a mild facial cleanser or a well-formulated anti-aging cream are indispensable influencing factors - but not the only ones.
There are internal and external factors that influence the condition and health of your skin. You can control and determine most of these yourself.
The most important factors influencing your skin health include:
Genes, age, hormones, UV radiation, temperature, humidity, environmental toxins, diet, drug use, sleep and exercise.
Your personal skin analysis
Your skin is unique and as individual as you. That's why it's important to understand exactly how it is structured and which skin care tips are best suited to your exact case.
The first step to good care is a skin analysis - and with our free skin consultation it's quick and easy.