by Philipp Roth

Healthy nutrition = healthy skin? Do's and don'ts on food

Did you know that your skin renews itself every month? That means: ...
Gesunde Ernährung = gesunde Haut? Do's and Don'ts bei Lebensmitteln

Did you know that your skin renews itself every month? That means: If you eat healthier for a month, you could notice a change in the appearance of your skin! So watch out now::

The link between diet and skin care

If you add 1 and 1 together, you will be able to imagine: When our skin renews itself, it needs building materials for it. We ingest these building materials with our food before they are passed on to the skin via the bloodstream. There it is processed by our body into connective tissue for firm skin, fresh skin cells for a good complexion as well as sebum and lipids, which, among other things, for theskin's own protective barrier are important.

When our skin renews itself, the essential components are the macronutrients fats, proteins and carbohydrates. In addition to the macronutrients, however, nothing works without vitamins and trace elements if you are healthy and longerwrinkle-free firm skin want to have.

However, there are differences between the individual ingredients for our skin: fats are not the same as fats, carbohydrates are not the same as carbohydrates and some vitamins are more important than another.

For young, wrinkle-free skin: good nutrients, bad nutrients

Let's take a look at the important building blocks for a good complexion and the foods that you should avoid:


Bad carbohydrates:These include the easily digestible or simple carbohydrates, such as those we take in mainly from white flour or industrial sugar. Specifically, that would be e.g. Soft drinks, fast food, white bread and almost every kind of confectionery.

What is the problem? These types of carbohydrates ensure that the blood sugar level rises, our body releases insulin and the sugar ends up in the body's cells. There it can cause inflammation and thus make the skin age faster. Even more: the insulin makes the sebum glands grow strongly and thus causes pimples, acne and blackheads..

Good carbohydrates:They are also called complex carbohydrates. These include Whole wheat flours, vegetables and fruits. Your body benefits from them longer, and your skin anyway: People with skin problems regularly fast bad carbohydrates by replacing them with good ones. As a result, they often achieve an improvement in the complexion.


Bad fats:This includes above all hydrogenated fat trans fat. It attacks cells and promotes acne, pimples and blackheads, and skin aging. You avoid trans fats if you keep your hands off fast food and convenience foods. But you should also be careful with saturated fatty acids. You can find these mostly in meat products.n.  

Good fats:Thumbs up for monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fatty acids! They remove vitamins from fats, protect the genetic material and slow down skin aging. In addition to the fact that good fats also serve as building materials for new skin cells, they also promote the production of anti-inflammatory messenger substances. Good fats also include essential fatty acids, i.e. those that our body cannot produce itself.nn.

You can find good fats in nuts and various vegetable oils: fish oil, algae oil, hemp seed oil, walnut oil, linseed oil Many of them also contain important omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids!!


Bad proteins:There are none, with the exception of proteins from fast food sources. Otherwise, excess protein could be the only problem, as they can cause pimples. Some bodybuilders complain about it.

Good protein:Proteins are THE building material for healthy skin. They are important for the connective tissue and elasticity, for the genetic makeup and the firmness of the skin. Proteins are made up of amino acids and are found in dairy products, legumes, fish, nuts, and lean meat.h.


Vitamins C, E and B vitamins are important for your skin and hair: As anti-oxidants, they protect our skin cells from free radicals, which can cause various cell damage and thus contribute to skin aging and inflammation. The vitamins simultaneously support the renewal and healing of the skin.

Interesting: The vitamin biotin from the vitamin B complex is often called vitamin H because it is useful forr Haut andHaar is so important. Biotin plays an important role in fat metabolism, protein metabolism and carbohydrate metabolism. This has a positive effect on your skin.

Minerals and trace elements

Important for the skin include Calcium, zinc, magnesium, silicon and also sulfur. Among other things, they support the formation of elastic connective tissue, have a detoxifying effect and regulate various processes within the body.

If you consume vegetables such as radishes, radishes or cabbage vegetables or high-quality grains as well as milk and meat products, you will get such minerals and trace elements.


Water is a real anti-aging agent for a reason: it cushions the skin from the inside, improves the elasticity of the skin cells and stimulates blood circulation,  which is also good against dark circles! By the way, a good fluid balance activates digestion and flushes harmful substances out of your body.

You should consume two liters of water a day and even more if you do sport. It goes without saying that sugary or alcoholic drinks are taboo. Tap water does it all at times. If you need more flavor, we recommend tea without sugar or occasionally spritzers, which, depending on the type of juice, bring a plus in

Interim balance for fresh skin: The do's and don'ts for food 

Damage to the skin:

  • Food with additives the fewer the betterr)
  • Ready meals
  • Fast food
  • Sweets
  • White bread
  • fatty meat
  • alcohol

Support and care for the skin:

  • fruit
  • vegetables
  • nuts
  • Berry
  • legumes
  • whole grain products
  • Eggs
  • fish
  • lean meat
  • vegetable oils

Healthy skin through good nutrition: how suitable it is for everyday use?

You find it difficult to do without ready meals, sweets and alcohol Keep in mind: within a short time you will already see positive changes in your skin if you do without them..

In fact, it is anything but difficult to implement a healthy eating plan. It can even be regional and vegetarian. How about, for example:

Breakfast:Oatmeal with black currants and walnuts

Noon:Salad with carrots, fresh spinach and pumpkin seeds

In the evening:Lentil curry with broccoli

Don't forget: always chew 32 times! And: #staysober


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