Every man comes to the point where he feels like change. And that has nothing to do with midlife crises, it is simply a desire for life. No wonder that things also change a bit when it comes to facial hair: We look at the current trends in beards and tell you which one might suit you.
3rd place for the full beard, the undefeated beard trend
This trend really has a long beard in two senses, because the full beard has not just been announced this year. Once the hip men wore it, it has been socially acceptable for a while now.g.
And still applies: You do nothing wrong with a full beard.
Good reasons for the full beard: it conceals chubby cheeks, gives a face length and just looks masculine. You also impress with your persistence: Breeding a magnificent full beard is no child's play. You need a lot of patience for the right length as wellgood beard oil bring along and an adequate oneRoutine for your beard care develop.
If your beard growth allows it, the variations of the full beard are particularly exciting. This year, the ZZ full beard leads the beard charts based on ZZ Top, while in the previous years wild style versions and the shorter version of the full beard also went well.n.
2nd place this year and next for the mustachert
The mustache is a particularly interesting variant of wearing a beard: Hardly a beard is so extravagant and at the same time so traditional. It was trendy decades ago and always celebrated a small renaissance. Men with mustaches stand out, act like connoisseurs and have invested a lot of time in care::
Most men need six to eight months for the mustache to reach a reasonable length. When growing this beard, it is important not to just let it grow! and twirling the whiskers in shape. You will also need beard oil for suppleness and a special comb for the mustache. Professionals combine the mustache with the full beard and thus harmoniously combine two beard trends.r.
The effort behind the mustache is particularly worthwhile for individualists: Not many men have the patience for this beautiful beard shape and do not always have the courage to make a neat statement with it. But that is exactly what makes the mustache so appealing and will keep it on trend in 2020.
1st place for the casual-smart 3-day beard
It may not have turned out, but looks damn good for every man: the 3-day beard is suitable for all types and all situations. It is easy to maintain, grows in a short time, makes the face robust, is undeniably casual and does not need an enormous beard growth. Perfect style!
When taking care of your 3-day beard, you should make sure that you regularly shape it with a trimmer and do not let it become a full beard. Because without care it looks washed out relatively quickly. You are well equipped with a dry razor to 2 to 3 millimeters and occasionally a bit of beard oil. Of course, you can also start fresh and shave wet at the start. Here we recommend a clean shavewith safety razor.
A well-groomed beard is half the battle
What all beard trends have in common: they require at least a little care. When you see the result, you will be clear that it was worth it.
Have fun with your beard and #staysober
1 comment
Wabbeldutts sind doch so männlich und dazu Flip Flops 🤣