by Philipp Roth

5 reasons why the safety razor is simply the better wet razor

We say it openly and proudly: We plan! Several times a week. On the...
5 Gründe, warum der Rasierhobel einfach der Bessere Nassrasierer ist

We say it openly and proudly: We plan! Several times a week. On the face, on the chest, some also in the genital area. If you have previously thought that a system razor is completely sufficient for a good wet shave and for a body shave and is also safer, you've cut yourself: It's not for nothing that the safety razor is also called a safety razor.

As with any tool, after a little practice you will be absolutely confident in using it. Be cautious at the start as you would with any other razor and the plane with a closed comb is at least as safe as your system razor.

But why switch to a safety razor at all??

1. The safety razor shaves easily and perfectly

System razors may be standard these days, but that has more to do with lengthy and successful manufacturers' marketing strategies. The truth is: a safety razor is not only completely sufficient, with it you even have a significantly better shaving result!

Ask your friends, take a look around the internet forums: men everywhere rave about a smoother wet shave!

Why the system razor e.g. from Gillette, Wilkinson or even more marketing packaged by Boldking, Shave-Lab or Mornin Glory can't keep up If you look for good razor blades with a plane, they are not only sharper, but also more precise than the small, narrow butter knives on a system razor .rer.

The result is super smooth skin. Keyword: baby bottom! and thanks to the precision, perfect contours can be achieved on chops or at the roots of the beard.z.

2. Hair removal is gentler on the skin

The '90s aren't exactly known for producing the best things culturally. Is it a coincidence that inthe race for the most blades in this decade Razor head has started?

TheKeep the promise of a better shave best system razor not. On the other hand, they cause considerable skin irritation, especially with sensitive skin. The reason: Shaving is always there, no matter how gentle you are, mechanical stress on your skin. Have you ever made yourself aware that with a system razor you can get up tozu five blades several times run over your skin A safety razor creates a better result with onlyone Blade.

Why would you voluntarily cause five times as much damage to your skin Just because in the advertisement a soccer player used a system razor to shave his facet?

3. System razors are unnecessarily expensive according to Adam Riese

Even if Adam Riese wore a full beard, he must have pulled his hair at the calculation result.

Because: The razor heads on system razors are designed for wear and tear. And that causes a real money problem when a branded pack with four 5-blade blades costs more than 10 euros. If you use a razor blade also known as Mach3, Mach3 Turbo or Fusion as recommended up to 12 times, you get 48 shaves, i.e. around 20 cents per shave.Rasur.

Compared to the traditional safety razor, this is almost seven times as expensive, because razor blades like those from sober cost significantly less: you get fiveAstra razor blades Superior Platinumm) for just over two euros. The blades are double-edged, which means: If one side is too blunt for a clean shave, you can continue with the other side. One razor blade is enough for around 15 shaves, a whole 5-pack for 75, i.e. around 3 cents per shave..

4. In all honesty: wet shaving with a plane is more stylish

When is the point in time when the razor heads of the system razors with ten, twenty or thirty blades irritate your skin? The message is yes: a lot helps a lot. But that's nonsense, quite apart from the fact that the razors will eventually look like venetian blinds.n.

When you think about it, system razors make a pretty silly impression. We at a time when we should finally get back to good style. For us that means: onereal and honest Shave withone Blade andwithout Frippery.

And that brings us to the fifth argument:

5. Safety razors are practical and environmentally friendly

You know it: If you use a system or disposable razor, the small hairs clog the blades. To clean them is like an ordeal, you are busy washing the persistent stubble away for what feels like an eternity. In the end, the blade quickly silts up and ends up in the trash. Congratulations: you not only threw away a lot of money, but also produced plastic waste that you could have avoided.

The simple yet effective design makes the safety razor easy to rinse and clean. A safety razor consists of only a few components and can be taken apart quickly. The components are the blade holder, the blade cover and the handle. Thats it. A sensible razor doesn't need anything else..

Even more: If you want to get yourself a safety razor and make sure it is of good quality, you will enjoy it for a lifetime, some men will even pass on their safety razors. The only replacement part you have to buy is the razor blade..

Less wear and tear, no plastic, less rubbish. In short: a safety razor is a clean and environmentally friendly solution for hair removal.

Convince yourself of a good one! Safety razorel

No reasonable razor manufacturer relies on plastic: the material is imprecise, quickly becomes scruffy and sooner or later deforms. It's just not made to last. For good reason, we rely on ourSafety razor on stainless steel! Not only is it easy to clean, it is robust, timeless, stylish and will last a lifetime.

When buying, make sure that the razor is not too light and too small: it should be palpable and comfortable to hold, it must be ergonomic and well balanced. With a length of 12 cm and a weight of 116 g, our matt black plane meets these requirements perfectly! The closed comb makes it suitable for regular shaves and makes it safer than razors with an open comb.

If you are serious and switch to planing, make sure you have the right accessories. This includessharp razor blades, onelight and stable shaving brush as well as theCare after shaving.

We are sure: like all other men you will enjoy planing and, by the way, always a perfect gift idea for men!!

Until then, #staysober



Hallo zusammen, das muss ich berichten!
Ich rasiere seit 3 Jahren mit Messer und Wechselklingen und bin von Anfang an begeistert über die Rasur. Kann kein Systemrasierer mithalten, preislich schon gar nicht.

Nun hat mein Sohn alten Krempel von mir sortiert und weggeschmissen. Da finde ich doch den Rasierhobel, den mein Vater mir als ich klein war, zum spielen geschenkt hat (natürlich ohne Klinge) im Müll! Hatte den total vergessen, ist ja auch schon über 40 Jahre her…

Das Teil flux gereinigt, etwas aufpoliert, Klinge rein und ausprobiert.
Ich bin ja sowas von begeistert, so sanft und gründlich hatte ich mich noch nie rasiert!!!

Männer! Wenn ihr am überlegen seid von Systemrasierer auf Hobel umzusteigen, zögert nicht, es gibt nichts besseres (und preiswerteres), es muss ja nicht gleich ein 200 € Modell sein.
Gruß Sascha

Sascha Gockenbach

Hallo Steffen,

gerade für Konturen eignet sich ein Hobel natürlich sehr gut. Nicht umsonst nutzt ein professioneller Barbier Rasiermesser bzw. Klingen wie diese auch im Rasierhobel verwendet werden :)

Für den Einstieg ist ein Rasierhobel mit geschlossenem Kamm, da anwenderfreundlich und mit reduzierter Verletzungsgefahr so wie wir ihn verkaufen sicher eine gute und sichere Wahl!


Ich stehe gerade vor der Entscheidung weiter auf Systemrasierer zu setzten oder den Hobel zu holen.

Ich trage Bart 6mm gestutzt, ich Rasiere nur Konturen nach.
Was Empfehlt ihr mir ?

Gruß Steffen


Hallo Rainer,

schade das du mit dem Rasierhobel von Baxter of California eine schlechte Erfahrung sammeln musstest. Tatsächlich empfiehlt es sich für die Nassrasur ein paar Minuten mehr einzuplanen, als mit einem Systemrasierer: Die Haut sollte vorher zum einen gut vorbereitet werden: Anfeuchten, eincremen, einwirken lassen, so dass die Haare und Haut weich werde – idealerweise nach einer heißen dusche.. Zum anderen erfordert der richtige Griff tatsächlich ein wenig Übung, bei Youtube gibt es allerdings einige gute Videos, die erklären wie es am sichersten geht:

Danach steht einer Rasur die tatsächlich irritationsfreier und gründlicher ist nichts mehr im Wege – das schöne ist, diese ist nicht nur ein Erlebnis für sich sondern auch äußerst nachhaltig und zuletzt dauerhaft günstiger :)


Nach einer Empfehlung in der Zeitung habe ich mir einen Rasierhobel von Baxter zugelegt: ich bin sehr enttäuscht, die Rasur ist unvollständig, keine glatte Haut, die durch mehrmalige Versuche dann noch brennt, so dass ich wieder auf Gillette mit 2 Klingen zurück gegriffen habe. Schön ist die Theorie mit umweltfreundlicher Handhabung, aber die Praxis belehrte mich das Gegenteil. Was mache ich falsch? Viele Grüße R. Siess

Rainer Siess

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