Healthy skin is important to us. Not only because she looks more beautiful and younger: A man's well-being is significantly better with young, healthy and fresh skin. But what can you do as a man for a healthy and young complexion??
Free radicals are to blame for everything: What environmental influences have to do with aging
Free radicals are a key factor that affects our skin health: Those who fight and avoid free radicals slow down the aging process!
What are free radicals?
Free radicals are molecules, atoms or ions that carry an unpaired, reactive electron: it will react with the next best compound in order to get its missing electron back. This can even lead to chain reactions, because if the reaction partner lacks an electron, it can become a free radical itself. Because free radicals are highly reactive as oxygen compounds, they can damage the skin and other organs. You causeoxidative stress.
In fact, our body produces a certain amount of free radicals itself, but it can absorb them well. It becomes problematic when there are too many: Free radicals are created in particular by heat, UV radiation and environmental influences such as smog or cigarette smoke. Excessive stress or physical exertion are also among the causes.
Free radicals are pure stress for the skin!
There are three ways you can combat oxidative skin stress from free radicals:
Avoid free radicals
An effective antiaging approach is to eliminate the root causes of free radicals. That means a clear no to cigarettes and cigarette smoke as well as UV radiation and environmental influences such as fine dust and smog. You should also avoid excessive psychological stress.
What sounds understandable so far is difficult to implement in everyday life. Therefore, in addition to the avoidance strategy, you should also have a defense plan:
Fight free radicals
The effective weapon against free radicals are antioxidants! They render free radicals harmless by neutralizing the oxygen connection. The radical scavengers include vitamins A, C and E as well as trace elements and flavanoids.
The human body cannot produce antioxidants itself, which is why it has to absorb them through a balanced diet: Fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grain products are rich in antioxidants and should definitely be on the menu!
Neutralize free radicals with a skin cream
With a well-formulated face cream, you fight free radicals on the topmost skin level and render them harmless before they can cause wrinkles. Make sure that the cream is firstly tailored to the needs of men's skin and secondly contains the antioxidants vitamin C and E.
Tip: Take the right care against skin damage, especially on radical days
There are days when we expose our skin to a lot of stress. That could be a walk in midsummer, a particularly busy day or the exhaust fumes from the cars on the way home.
Make sure to balance your skin and also carry out a care program in the evening before going to bed. You first clean your face with a mild washing lotion to remove any skin stress. Then you apply a hydrating cream to supply your skin with nutrients and important moisture.
This way you don't go to bed with free radicals and give your skin the chance to recover from a stressful day.
The anti-aging trick against wrinkles: look young without injections and without dangers
Despite your best efforts to take care of your body, you will never be able to 100 percent avoid the occurrence of a wrinkle here and there. Because of this, some people resort to a botox facelift. However, there are much better alternatives for your health and your natural appearance. Because:
Botox is not a solution
Botox (botulinum toxin) paralyzes the muscles and thus smoothes skin and wrinkles so effectively that it turns faces into unnaturally rigid masks. You may know the result from some celebrities: their skin is smoother, but the facial expression is distorted to tragic..
Botox is so effective that it overshoots the mark and robs the face of its naturalness. On top of that, it is associated with high costs and potential health risks, after all, it is a poison that has to be re-injected after a few weeks..
The botox alternative: an effective anti-wrinkle serum
With the wrinkle blocker Acetyl Hexapeptide you smooth wrinkles without disfiguring your face into a mask: You only apply it as a serum to the upper layer of the skin, i.e. where it should work. Your facial muscles and facial expressions remain active.
Another plus point: A serum with acetyl hexapeptide does not require any syringes or side effects that are typical of Botox. You apply it to the forehead and the eye region to make wrinkles invisible there. What you immediately notice is a pleasantly cooling freshness on the skin. And after about 30 minutes you can already see that the skin there is smoother.
What is Acetyl Hexapeptide and how does it work against wrinkles?
Our body cells communicate with each other via nerve messenger substances, which also include the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh). ACh plays an important role in the contraction of the muscles: If a lot of ACh reaches the muscle, it contracts more strongly. The problem, however, is that high muscle activity at the skin level, and especially on the face, causes deep wrinkles. This is where acetyl hexapeptide comes into play: it blocks the messenger substance acetylcholine, which only reaches the muscles to a limited extent and causes fewer contractions. This leaves the skin relaxed and less wrinkled.n.
Moisturizer: The key to antiaging is avoiding dry skin
Moisture is essential for the skin if it is to stay young and fresh for a long time, because if the skin lacks moisture, it becomes dry, limp and brittle. This leads to permanent wrinkles and inflammation-related skin problems such as pimples and acne.
Why does skin dry out?
If you drink little and eat unhealthily, you run the risk of your skin becoming drier. But that's only part of the reason: External factors are partly responsible for dry skin. These include environmental factors such as dry heating air in winter, smog, long periods of sunshine, baths that are too hot or incorrect care products. These external factors influence the effectiveness of the protective skin barrier.
The consequence: your skin loses moisture and is unprotected.
Good facial care supports the skin's natural moisturizing factors with two functions: firstly, it provides moisture and secondly, it strengthens the body's own skin barrier. The cream protects against wrinkles and other skin problems and is the basis for an effective anti-aging program..
Moisturizing face creams ideally work with urea and hyaluronic acid. These substances bind moisture, store it on the skin and thus protect it from drying out. In order to strengthen the skin barrier, good creams also use other care components. These include: panthenol, valuable oils such as blueberry seeds and avocado, vitamins C and E and trace elements.
What are the Natural Moisturizing Factors (NMF)?
The natural moisturizing factors (NMF) are an acid mantle on the skin that you can imagine as a protective barrier: The NMF keep the moisture on your upper skin layer from evaporating prematurely, thus regulating the moisture content of the skin..
The NMF are a mixture of different hydrophilic (water-loving) substances, including: lactic acid, various amino acids, urea and ammonia as well as inorganic ions such as potassium and magnesium.
Antiaging affects your hair too
Sad, hair-raising truth: Hair loss is part of almost every man's life and can make us feel like we are no longer fresh, young, agile, attractive or masculine. While some of our colleagues are very self-confident when they are bald, others use the possibilities to hide receding hairlines or to counteract hair loss.
What are the most common reasons for hair loss?
Hereditary hair loss: Here the hair roots are overly sensitive to the masculinity hormone dihydrotestosterone. It prevents the hair root from being adequately supplied with the important messenger substance cAMP and leads to shorter growth phases, receding hairlines and thinning hair.
Circular hair loss: A rarer form of hair loss, in which round, coin-sized gaps appear in the hair in a short period of time. The reasons for this are unclear and may be due to an immune system defect. However, the hair roots do not die, so the hair can potentially grow back.
Diffuse hair loss: Here the hair becomes even and increasingly lighter over the head. The cause is a lack of energy in the hair roots caused by stress, medication, diet or excessive physical exertion.
What options you have in the event of hair loss
With caffeine you can prevent hair loss: It is an interesting, preventive approach to stimulate blood flow to the scalp and thus strengthen the hair roots. As a result, you can produce hair better and are less likely to cause diffuse hair loss.
A shampoo and conditioner with caffeine are the easiest and gentlest means of combating hair loss: they are free of side effects and suitable for daily hair care!
There are two prominent drugs that can be used to treat hereditary hair loss. In terms of side effects, Minoxidil is rather harmless, but it is also not the most effective means. Finasteride, on the other hand, is more effective (especially in combination with minoxidil), but has far-reaching side effects: It endangers libido, potency and fertility. Of course, you should only pursue this approach with medical advice.
More and more men are using hair transplants. Here, functioning hair roots are transplanted from the own body onto the bald spots. The methods behind it are quite expensive and also no guarantee of a lifelong head of hair. Doctors will be able to advise you on this.
Many men are relaxed about their hair loss and choose the right hairstyle to counteract it. If you have a receding hairline, messy hair or a parting can be used to distract from the bald areas. A beard is also a suitable means of drawing attention to the face. In the case of diffuse hair loss, the short cut is suitable, in which the top hair is a little longer than on the sides. Your hair salon will have the best idea for you.
Have fun while reading! And: #TreatYourself